
Law of One Galactic Central Sun & Anomaly

  Disclaimers : Cobra- Old Interview Quote: "I cannot comment on that channeled material because neither I nor the Light  Forces can completely agree with what is written there " The law of one is 4 decades old & much was classified back then so the Intel is not as reliable &to be the end all be all as its something to grow out of ultimately . The source of the law of one even said there were distortions in the deliverance of the Law of One. The point is to ascend the understanding of certain collectives only holding onto 1 source of intel, there is more to learn that was not ready or able  to reveal almost half a century ago now when Lawof1 was produced.              Bonus Section  Law of One & The Primary Anomaly :  White / Electric Blue Color(Divine Will) :  (With this ex,simply replace Green w/ Electric Blue #Central #Will)    Like the Blue here        

David Icke Shapeshifting

 The truth is a bit simpler in reality :    They either incarnate naturally ( think negative starseed from various negative Et races. Remember the body is a vehicle of the soul, all souls from each galaxy are born from the galactic center ) OR They transport their etheric bodies through strong electromagnetic technology to place themselves ( or another) into a pre made adult cloned body to operate in the physical plane & they remember who they are.   The reality has always been infiltration & invasion & this is almost exactly how its done (except its permanent-they stay in the body until it dies in the real world) ( notice the MRI type machines - which are based on electromagnetic technology... This is the reality/method used not the so called shape shifting misunderstanding...also to mention- some factions  "cheat" by having adult bodies made with their full memory once they transfer , the usual method is some incarnate as negative starseeds the old fashi

Sandy Hook Alex Jones

2012  Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Father speaks about loss of daughter  First, here is the small key clip that CNN( 2nd video below) edited out : Here is where the official CNN clip began :  The Local Sheriff had doubts on the official narrative & the same CNN turned him into an enemy  ( The Media uses the term conspiracy theorist with the same emotional tone applied when using the term Terrorist) Almost every single comment under that main CNN video with the "dad" , agree's something's not right about the official news reporting about this event: " A jury is a sworn body of people convened to hear evidence and render an impartial verdict" The Vote Is Unanimous At the end of 2022 the "dad" is getting "justice" :   A decade later & again you will see, The Vote Is Unanimous

Badlands-Jesuits & Black Nobility

   1)  *Jesuit Fauci 2) * Jesuit - Retinger/Bilderberg 3) * Rothschilds are below the Italian Black Nobility :    4) * Jesuit-Adam Weishaupt / Bavarian Illuminati  5)  (small fraction of 1 % of Jesuit Connections/ #FollowTheEducation , #Fraternities , #RomanCatholicConnections )

Badlands-Goldman Sachs

1) 2) 3) 4)